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Education for all ages: Being a student over 60

Mature students make up over half of those studying at university - but students older than 60 are hard to come by.

By Jaimee Taylor

When imagining a student, a certain stereotype probably comes to mind. A young person, around the age of 20. They have an active social life which is extremely important to them. They probably drink too much. Their whole life is ahead of them.

But in reality, students come from all backgrounds.

The most recent statistics from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), show that in the academic year 2016-17, 59% of those at university were mature students. A mature student is defined as anybody who starts a degree at the age of 21 or older, and a closer look at the statistics shows that 65% of mature students are actually still in their 20s. Although classified as ‘mature’, it seems the majority are still young.



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